All poems written & published by
Justice Stewart "Kween Regine".
From the first published book of poetry "Kairos".
Available on Amazon
Click here for more poems by Kween Regine.

& If I Die Before I Wake
I pray my ancestors greet me,
pray my spirit feels right at home
& that my soul can roam freely
pray I’m surrounded by their love
& pray I’ve carried on their legacy
pray it continues on through my additions to our family tree
I pray I’ve left this life having completed what was meant for me
& left no stone unturned while on the journey to my destiny
Most of all, I pray that the universe saw fit for me
to leave behind my love, my words, & remnants of my energy
in every single soul I’ve met
& every single soul I’ve touched
I pray I’m granted all these things
I pray that I’m not asking much
So, if my eyes close for the final time
& every breath has ceased
if my heart finally stops beating
& my spirit is released
& if life exists no longer
in this vessel that I’ve leased,
I pray for all of the above
& above all, pray I’ve found peace.
Most times,
you have to lose
the very thing you're in search of
before you're able
to find it.
For Real
I love myself in real life.
I'm healing wounds in real time.
Look at the way the stars align,
I'm really on my real grind.
No need to hide my confidence.
Yes, I'm aware I'm real fine.
I'm really not concerned with
any business that is not mine.
& I have a real light
inside me
& it shines through
I really hope my words
inspire you
to be the real you.
I really live in my truth
and some days, it gets real hard
to look into the mirror and
acknowledge I have real flaws.
Acknowledge that I really can't go back in time,
what's really meant to be, will be,
whatever's really on my mind
will manifest outside of me.
So now I'm real intentional
and real protective of my peace,
I've really gotten better at
deciphering others energy.
This is who I really am.
I'm really where I'm supposed to be.
and even if I really had the choice,
I would change a thing.
Indescribable veneration for every generation
of men and of women
that came before me.
And so, I come before you now
to first apologize
for not feeling more ashamed
that in paying reverence to you, we can't call you out by name,
for our failure to keep the memory of you present though you've passed,
for not honoring your spirits so our connection to you lasts.
But you have not been forgotten.
I know you've been trying to reach me
through the skies,
through time,
through numbers,
through intuition,
through this pen, this paper, this ink,
this gift
that was already picked out for me before
anyone ever conceived the conception of my spirit.
I must've come from a long line of orators,
I must've been hand-selected to be the narrator
of our story
from this point forward.
our story
which began with you
& will not end with me
because I will carry it forward.
I will push our family forward.
However, I must first go back
I must first
find my way back
to you;
find my way back
to the source
of me.